Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 7: Socks Galore

Socks were the only clothing items that I ended up buying this week. It sounds a little unusual, but one of my favorite pairs of socks got holes in them, so of course I had to go out and buy more! I spend a lot of time in my big comfy socks, therefore I broke the rules and got some that were on clearance at Target (again, with my Target obsession...)

I'm surprised at how well I'm doing with this shopping sabbatical. I initially thought that I was going to fail miserably, but I'm not doing too bad! It's really easy when I've kept myself busy these last few weeks. Not buying things makes me feel good, but it hasn't exactly been my decision - it's been my daily/weekly schedule's decision.

I'm not so confident about next week though. Birthday week!


  1. Socks barely count as a purchase! They are basically a necessity, but honestly they are my least favorite thing to buy. I avoid buying them as long as possible!

  2. You can't get through the everyday toils of life without socks! I say your sock purchase was an emergency and the fact that you got them cheep at target is awesome, thanks for being honest with your purchase. I know you can make it through next week, even if it is your birthday week. Make sure you do something exciting for your birthday! Oh and Happy Birthday by the way!!!

  3. I never buy socks! I try to hold off on buying them as long as I can because I always feel I could be spending my money on anything besides socks! great job so far!

  4. I actually need socks too! I feel like socks always disappear or get holes in them! This month has been easier than I thought it was going to be!
