Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 11: Taking Up Photography, Maybe?

Again, no new clothing purchases this week. It was a hectic one for sure. Half of the week, I was helping out with the AMDA Fashion Show (which was totally worth my time). And the other half of the week, I was busy with homework, of course.

Yesterday, I made a hefty purchase and bought a nice camera. (I had a coupon - old habits die hard.) It's not super fancy, but it's better than my phone's picture quality! Just a beginner's camera. Since we've had to blog so much this semester, I kind of want to continue with it, so I figured a new camera would be a good place to start. I didn't spend as much as I would have liked to for a good camera, but what do I know about photography? I thought it would be best that I start small, and if I actually make use of my purchase, I can save up for a better one.


  1. thats awesome! Ive always wanted a nice camera myself but could never work up the courage to go buy one. It will be especially nice if you decide to continue blogging.

  2. That's really cool you bought a camera. Coupons seriously are the best thing ever. It sounds like you are going to be very productive in starting a blog. I hope the camera works out for you.

  3. That's awesome that you bought a camera! You could do so much with using a camera to express your thoughts and feelings with your blog! It's always great to have a visual!

  4. A camera sounds like a fun and creative purchase! You'll definitely get a lot of use out of that!

  5. Nice purchase! You will get so much use out of your camera!
