Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 3: Doughnut Indulgence

Surprisingly, I did not buy any fashion items this week, which is pretty rare... I keep trying to look back at my bank account statement to make sure that I'm not forgetting something. It was one of those weeks where I've been too busy to shop. So the only thing that I purchased were food/grocery items.
As a busy college student, it is incredibly difficult to plan meals and prepare food for yourself, so I've been eating out more than usual. From sit-down restaurants to fast food burger places, I've indulged. Yesterday, I especially indulged myself because it was my last day at my retail job, so I treated myself to a few doughnuts from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. I deserved them, and they were amazing.


  1. I didn't buy any apparel this week either. I did buy food, I find it hard to not go out to eat at least once a week. I always end up buying some type of coffee drink too.

  2. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts...You are trying to make me jealous!
    I completely agree with you about grocery shopping as a college student. It is so difficult preparing meals for one and I always find myself at a loss in a grocery store.

  3. So jealous about the donuts!! I have been spending more money eating out lately too. I don't have a car, so I can hardly go grocery shopping. I am almost all out of food! Spring break can't come soon enough! I've been getting Subway almost everyday because it's right across from my apartment.

  4. I feel like the main reason I don't shop is because I'm too busy with school work! Good for my bank account, but not for my closet haha.
    And I agree, making meals is a challenge, I have no idea how to make anything besides chicken and pasta, I should invest in a basic cookbook.

  5. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. I can't even remember the last time I had one. They closed the one in my town years ago. It is really hard sometimes to make your own meals. There is just never any time. Luckily Jimmy Johns is right around the corner. It's good though that you didn't spend any money on clothing. If it is still this busy for you come March, not shopping for clothes will be a piece of cake!
